Several weeks after it aired a program critical of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, The Indian tax department raids the BBC’s office in New Delhi on Tuesday, a journalist at the network said AFP.
“There is an income tax raid going on and they are seizing all phones,” said the employee.
At the site, an AFP correspondent witnessed police blocking entry and exit at the BBC building in the heart of the city.
Additionally, An person who declined to identify their agency stated, “There is the federal procedure going on inside the office.”
The broadcaster claimed in a two-part documentary shown last month that Modi, the state’s premier at the time, had instructed police to ignore sectarian violence in Gujarat in 2002.
The violence killed at least 1,000 individuals, most of whom were members of the Muslim minority in the nation.
Soon after the documentary’s publication, the Indian government blocked videos and tweets that contained links to it, referring to it as “hostile propaganda and anti-India rubbish.”
However, the authorities are currently conducting an income tax raid and seizing all phones, as informed to the employee.