Amitabh Get a Life Threat: An unidentified caller said that bombs had been hidden close to the homes of Bollywood icon Amitabh Bachchan, seasoned actor Dharmendra, and businessman Mukesh Ambani’s Antilia property. The Emergency Response Support System (ERSS) got a call on Tuesday. The Nagpur Police received the information shortly after, and they subsequently alerted the Mumbai Police.
The Mumbai police have opened an inquiry.
The police have also informed the local authorities in Juhu, Vile-Parle, and Gamdevi, where the homes of the two actors and the industrialists are located. The Bomb Detection and Disposal Squad (BDDS) crews would probably search the area around the three people’s homes for any suspicious activity. The caller added that 25 armed guys had arrived in Mumbai’s Dadar neighbourhood to carry out the terrorist attack. Subsequently, the authorities are taking all necessary steps to ensure the safety and security of the individuals mentioned in the reported threat. Currently, they are attempting to locate and identify the caller.
Highest Z+ Security Protection For Mukesh Ambani, His Family
The Supreme Court has instructed authorities to provide Mukesh Ambani, a billionaire industrialist, and his family with the highest Z+ security cover during their travels both domestically and internationally. The Ambanis must fund all costs and costs associated with providing them with the highest degree of Z+ security cover, according to the court, whether they are in India or abroad.
However, In 2021, the Mumbai police’s crime branch unit apprehended two individuals for spreading rumors about bombs at three railway stations and Amitabh Bachchan’s home.