Murad Raas, a former Punjab MPA who just left the PTI due to the violence on May 9, has declared his intention to join the Jahangir Tareen group.
Murad Raas joins Tareen group: The former Punjab education minister decided on the choice after a meeting with respected politician Jahangir Tareen at the latter’s Lahore home.
The meeting also included the advisor to the prime minister, Awn Chaudhry, and Abdul Aleem Khan.
Tomorrow, seasoned politician Jahangir Khan Tareen, formerly the PTI leader’s closest adviser, will introduce his new political party, which will primarily consist of former members of the ruling party who have defected.
According to sources aware of the event, Abdul Aleem Khan will serve as the party’s president and Tareen will serve as the party’s patron-in-chief as a result of the SC’s disqualification.
Awn Chaudhry, who is the PM’s advisor at the moment, will also organise Jahangir Tareen’s party.
Tomorrow (Thursday), they claim, Tareen will declare his new party alongside other lawmakers in a press conference in Lahore.