Ghulam Sarwar Khan, a former aviation minister, announced his resignation from the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) on Thursday in response to the May 9 protests.
Ghulam Sarwar Quits Party: In a video statement, Ghulam Sarwar denounced the violence on May 9 and demanded that those responsible for the attacks on the GHQ, Jinnah House, and military memorials face punishment.
Sarwar stated, “I condemn individuals engaged in confrontation with state institutions,” and he noted that he had also opposed the party’s stance of confrontation at every forum.
He made his statement one day after Islamabad police detained former federal minister and leader of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), Ghulam Sarwar Khan, in connection with the May 9 riots case.
The police apprehended Ghulam Sarwar Khan’s nephew Ammar Siddiqui and son Mansoor Hayyat from his friend’s home in Islamabad’s F-8 Sector, according to the police.
Additionally, The police state that they are seeking the PTI leader’s son and nephew in connection with the May 9 rioting case and attack on the judicial complex. Furthermore, The police have filed cases against the suspects in Islamabad, Taxila, and Rawalpindi.
The police locked up Ghulam Sarwar’s petrol station while conducting a search warrant to apprehend him.