Asad Umar, the head of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), had his bail extended by an anti-terrorism court until July 7 in relation to the attack on the Askari Tower.
Asad Umar’s bail extended: ATC Judge Ejaz Ahmed Buttar considered the former planning minister’s petition for a bail extension. The judge ordered him to participate in the case’s investigation while approving his bail request.
It is important to note that on May 9, violent confrontations spread throughout Pakistan following the custody of the former prime minister and leader of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf on the grounds of the Islamabad High Court (IHC).
When PTI chief’s supporters damaged government and military buildings, including the home and memorials of the Lahore Corps Commander, the rallies turned violent.
Protesters also attacked the Askari Tower during the protests. Asad Umar and numerous other party members were later the target of a case.