During his daylong visit to Gwadar on Thursday, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif took part in the foundation-laying ceremonies of many key development projects.
PM Shehbaz inaugurates projects in Gwadar: They unveiled noteworthy projects aimed at improving connectivity and transit in the region, including the 102-kilometer Khuzdar-Basima Road, the 55-kilometer Awaran Road, and the Jhaljao Road.
During the occasion, they also officially opened the New Gwadar Airport, marking an important infrastructural milestone and the government’s commitment to improving regional air connectivity.
In order to increase electricity distribution in the area, the 132 KV Panjgur-Nag-Basima-Nal Transmission Line’s opening was also at the top of the list.
During his visit to Gwadar, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif will also give relief checks to deserving fishermen and give computers to bright students at Gwadar University.