Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt recently opened up in an interview for her next movie “Heart of Stone,” sharing some of the special “firsts” in her life and career.
Alia reveals first meeting with Ranbir: She admitted that Amitabh Bachchan and Rani Mukerji’s film “Black,” in which she had her first audition, was the movie. It’s interesting to note that she first met Ranbir Kapoor, her future husband, on the set of this audition.
Alia emphasised her experience working on Hollywood movie sets, highlighting the spirit of commitment and quality that is shared by all. She emphasised that this one attitude is what propels projects to success across the globe.
In a different interview, Alia disclosed that Gal Gadot was one of the first persons to learn about her pregnancy because she had told her about it.
Alia felt at ease and supported throughout her pregnancy thanks to Gal’s thoughtful and compassionate response, which included her concern for Alia’s hydration on set.
However, On the professional front, Alia Bhatt will co-star with Priyanka Chopra and Katrina Kaif in the highly anticipated film “Jee Le Zara,” which has drawn notice for its impressive ensemble cast and fascinating plot.