Shah Rukh Khan delighted his fans by revealing a glimpse of the upcoming song “Not Ramaiya Vastavaiya” from his eagerly anticipated film “Jawan” during the most recent #AskSRK session. The third song from the movie is now available for viewing, and the creators are here to tease the audience with extra clips.
‘Not Ramaiya Vastavaiya’ out tomorrow: The song will be released tomorrow, according to the creators. It’s time to turn up the heat on the dance floors with the party anthem “Not Ramaiya Vastavaiya” from the movie “Jawan” after entertaining the audience to “Zinda Banda,” a high-energy celebration song, and “Chaleya,” a tender romance tune.
Expectations have undoubtedly increased since the teaser, which showed off SRK’s explosive and contagious enthusiasm. The makers of “Not Ramaiya Vastavaiya” are now releasing an extended video from the song, with SRK setting the lighthearted mood in the teaser. When posting the footage, SRK said, “I want to thank Vaibhavi Merchant for dealing with my two left feet. This is ‘Not Ramaiya Vastavaiya. And Anirudh, who is obviously talented. RT @vaibhavi.merchant: “#NotRamaiyaVastavaiya” Tomorrow’s release of the complete song! The global release of #Jawan is planne for September 7, 2023, in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu languages.
giving the viewers a taste of each flavour. Scheduled for release tomorrow, the song’s debut will amplify the excitement of both the audiences and fans, as the new materials and posters contribute to the anticipation. Further, Red Chillies Entertainment’s “Jawan” is a production with Atlee as the director, Gauri Khan as the producer, and Gaurav Verma as a co-producer. The movie will premiere in theaters worldwide on September 7, 2023, in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu languages.