India on Thursday imposed a curfew in several regions of the restive state of Manipur after a number of students were hurt in clashes that followed demonstrations over the suspected kidnapping and murder of two students, according to officials.
India imposes curfew in Manipur: An severe civil war between the two major local groups in the northeastern state bordering Myanmar has been sparked by ethnic violence, according to numerous security experts. The conflict is being fought over land, jobs, and political influence.
Imphal and a few other districts had to apply an indefinite curfew, according to L. Kailun, a senior police official located in the state capital, who spoke to Reuters. The fights on Wednesday resulted in more than 80 students being hurt, a different police official stated under the condition of anonymity.
He stated that the situation was “extremely tense” following the destruction of the ruling political party’s office by armed crowds and the petrol bombing of two police stations.
According to officials, mobile internet services have been stopped in the state for the past five days. Over 180 people have been slain and over 50,000 people have fled their homes in Manipur since the unrest started on May 3.
The Meitei community makes up more than half of the 3.2 million people that live in the state, while the Kuki community, which makes up about 43% of the population, primarily resides in the hills.
After their bodies were discovered this week, protests over the alleged kidnapping and murder of two Meitei students who had been missing since July erupted once more.
“Ethnic Tensions Flare as Violence Persists in Manipur: Government Faces Criticism”
The viral news rekindled ethnic hostility. N. Biren Singh, the chief minister of the state and a prominent member of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s party, condemned the alleged murder and vowed to punish anyone responsible to the fullest extent of the law.
Families of the students and Meitei officials have blamed Kuki extremists for the most recent slaying and chastised the government for doing nothing to stop the bloodshed.
A representative for a Kuki civil society organisation said the organisation had no quick reaction on the most recent killings. The Modi government has been accused by leaders of the opposition Congress party of failing to stop the violence in a state that is under the authority of his nationalist party.