“Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif, starring in the well-known spy thriller series, Tiger 3, are soon to release the third film.”
Tiger 3’ trailer: The movie’s trailer, which was published on Monday, has generated a lot of excitement among both fans and reviewers.
Tiger 3’s trailer displays the intense drama and action that the viewer may look forward to in the picture.
Further. Tiger, the daring RAW agent who is on a quest to protect his family and his country from a lethal terrorist, played by Emraan Hashmi, is back in action with Salman Khan. Tiger’s wife and former ISI spy Zoya, played by Katrina Kaif, returns in the fight with Tiger.
The trailer also reveals the son of Tiger and Zoya, who is at risk of being abducte by the antagonist.
The trailer also hints at the exotic settings and breathtaking images that the movie Tiger 3 offers. The movie, filmed in India, Turkey, Russia, and Austria, showcases some breathtaking action moments, including hand-to-hand combat, helicopter clashes, underwater scenes, and automobile chases.
The teaser also features the dialogue and punchlines performed by Salman Khan, “This time it’s personal” and “Tiger hai toh zinda hai.” Shah Rukh Khan, who portrays another spy named Jawan in the same universe, may also make an appearance, as suggested by the trailer.