“Indian director Karan Johar recalled his first encounter with Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan and stated that he was simply enthrall by SRK’s charisma.”
Karan Johar recalls first interaction with Shah Rukh: In a recent interview, Karan, who has known Shah Rukh Khan for 30 years, talked about their first meeting and dispelled several myths that people might have about the Jawan actor.
When asked about his first encounter with SRK, Karan recalled how his father had driven him to the “Karan Arjun” sets where he was going to present Shah Rukh with a “Duplicate” and they would negotiate dates and money.
The director claimed that because his father was a producer and he interacted with many, he had this sense that movie stars were a certain way.
Karan continued by saying that because Shah Rukh had a background in play and theatre, there has been a lot of criticism about him being somewhat conceited but knowing what he was doing. But in a flash, Shah Rukh Khan’s charisma simply swept him away.
The director also described his first encounter with Shah Rukh, saying that they spent hours sitting across from one another in director Aanand Mahendroo’s office without saying a word to each other.