“On Monday, the Pakistani markets saw a decrease in the price of 24-carat gold per tola by Rs 2,500 compared to the previous trading day when traders sold it for Rs 224,700.”
Gold rate decreases in Pakistan:. According to the All Sindh Sarafa Jewellers Association, the cost of 10 grammes of 24 karat gold dropped by Rs. 2,143 to Rs. 190,501 from The price of 22 karat gold, 10 grams, was Rs. 174,626, while 24-carat gold, 10 grams, was sold for Rs. 192,644.
The price of ten grammes of silver climbed by 42.86 rupees to 2,400.54 while the price of a tola of silver grew by 50 rupees to 2,800 rupees.
According to the association, the price of gold dropped from $1,975 to $1,959 on the global market.