The price of 24 karat gold on Tuesday saw a decrease of Rs15,500, reaching Rs199,500, in comparison to its sale price on September 9, 2023, when it was Rs215,000 a tola.
Gold rates decrease: According to the All Sindh Sarafa Jewellers Association, the cost of 10 grammes of 24 karat gold dropped by Rs13,546 to Rs171,039 from Rs184,585, while the cost of 10 grammes of 22 carat gold dropped to Rs156,786 from Rs168,967.
The cost of silver per tola also fell by Rs 50 to Rs 2,500, while the cost of 10 grammes fell by Rs 42.87 to Rs 2,143.34.
According to the association, the price of gold dropped from $1,911 to $1,856 on the global market.