In a forthcoming serial called “Gentleman,” produced by Samina Humayun Saeed and Sana Shahnawaz, the legendary star of Pakistan’s entertainment sector Humayun Saeed will co-star on television with Yumna Zaidi.
Humayun Yumna to share screen: According to ‘Green Entertainment’, which will air the most anticipated drama of the year, the serial is directed by Hassam Hussain.
Renowned playwright Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar, who became well-known for the wildly popular drama series “Mery Pass Tum Ho,” wrote the story.
For “Mery Pass Tum Ho,” The Humayun Saeed received plaudits and overwhelmingly positive reviews from the audience.
After a three-year absence, Humayun will make a comeback to television with “Gentleman.”
Additionally, Saeed will appear in Khalil’s upcoming film, “Main Manto nahe hun.” Finalising the project is still a work in progress.
Viewers praised Yumna Zaidi for her outstanding performances in “Teray Bin” and anticipate that she will achieve a new feat with “Gentleman.”
Yumna recently made headlines due to a comment made by veteran actress Nadia Afghan, who minimised the former’s contribution by referring to her as a “over-rated actress.”
Last month, the host Ayesha Jahanzeb from the A-Plus entertainment channel asked Nadia Afghan about the overrated actors in the business during a show appearance.
Nadia Afghan’s mention of Zaidi in her response drew an angry reaction from her supporters.
Additionally, it led Bushra Ansari to offer the Teray Bin actress her support.
As soon as the news broke, internet users flocked to the comments area to express their opinions on the on-screen chemistry of the two stars, hoping that this serial would become popular.