The Pakistani film Joyland, directed by Saim Sadiq, is about to be released in India theatres. Despite being prohibited, The Legend of Maula Jatt will nonetheless be screened on large screens in the adjacent countries.
Joyland released in India: The Joyland production team that the movie will be shown internationally, including in India. It will be the first Pakistani movie to be released in India since Shoaib Mansoor’s Bol.
The director expressed his gratitude for the selected offer by saying, “The opportunity to represent Pakistan at the Oscars with a movie that I feel is an accurate and sympathetic depiction of who we are as a nation fills me with gratitude, humility, and excitement. The triumphs and tragedies of these characters should encourage empathy in viewers both in Pakistan and beyond. We shall require a lot of prayers and well wishes from our folks in the upcoming months as we travel the path ahead.”
He continued, “We always lament how Pakistani art has remained glaringly underrepresented in the world, despite the existence of many excellent artists in many genres. But this year has already been different. So I’ll take this opportunity to feel optimistic. I’m grateful to the selection committee, and I wish Pakistan and Joyland the best of luck!