PTI challenges Punjab’s interim CM: According to reports, the Punjab Caretaker Chief Minister Syed Mohsin Raza Naqvi’s appointment was contested by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) on Friday before the Supreme Court (SC).
After the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) decided on Naqvi’s name for the role, the Punjab governor nominated the media professional as the interim chief minister last week. The PTI chairman Imran disbanded the PTI-led Punjab Assembly and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Assembly to push through early national elections.
Naqvi’s appointment was decided upon during a meeting presided over by Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Sikandar Sultan Raja.
Imran Khan declares a protest
Imran Khan, the chairman of the PTI, urged a nationwide protest after Naqvi’s appointment.
We won’t approve of an interim chief minister who is ‘corrupt. He stated during a press conference via video link. “We will organise a series of protests in all the cities of Pakistan.
The former PM announced that the PTI would file a lawsuit against the appointment of the Punjab and KP governors. The reason for the lawsuit is that the governors failed to set a date for their respective provinces’ elections.
The party claimed that Naqvi’s appointment was “in direct violation of the requirements of the Constitution” in their appeal. The appeal was submitted by Advocate Imtiaz Rashid Siddiqui. They also said that it was in violation of the Elections Act 2017 and the Election Rules 2017.
Raja Riaz Ahmad, the head of the Pakistan Peoples Party, was also asked to have his appointment as the Leader of the Opposition in May 2022 revoked in the plea. The appointment was “without lawful authority and of no legal impact,” according to the PTI.