Reportedly, the Punjab police is holding Ahsan Ramzan, the under-21 snooker champion of the world and Asia.
Police arrested snooker champion Ahsan: According to a video message posted by Ahsan, the Punjab police took the champion player to the police station after a late-night police raid on the snooker academy.
Ahsan has asked Punjab Inspector General of Police Usman Anwar and Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif for a thorough investigation.
In his video testimony, the world snooker champion recalled how, while practising for a tournament at a snooker academy in the Township neighbourhood, police from the Green Town Police Station raided the establishment because it was open till late at night.
The cops allegedly brought Ahsan to the police station after hearing about him and refusing to let him shut the club down.
They imprisoned him after taking his belt and mobile phone. As soon as his close buddy arrived at the police station, Ahsan was released from detention.
Ahsan, who recently won the titles of World and Asian Champion, sobbed as she described the incident.
Outside the jail, photos of the world champion donning his belt are visible.
Further, He said that he informed the policemen that he was the world champion on the video. They answered, “You have done that for yourself.”
He said, “I have always worked to improve my nation, and I have been successful, but how could I have known that I would suffer humiliation in my own nation?”
However, He continued by saying that this nation seemed to ignore and treat snooker like an “orphan,” being the only sport that faced such treatment.