The web series “Fatima Jinnah: Sister, Revolutionist, Stateswoman” is scheduled to debut on August 14.
Series on Fatima Jinnah premiere on August 14: The web series, which will be made available on the digital portal Aur Digital, is based on the book “Madar-e-Millat” by Reza Pirbhai. The three-season series, which spans two volumes and ten episodes, is directed by Danial K Afzal and starts in 1910.
The first season will examine the bond between Ruttanbai and Quaid-e-Azam.
The series has generated buzz ever since the 14-minute prologue was released in 2022. Three decades of Fatima Jinnah’s life will be studied: her thirties during the pre-partition era, her fifties during the partition, and her seventies during the post-Partition era.
Sundus Farhan and Samiya Mumtaz, two actors, have been chosen to portray the legendary character. Originally scheduled to play season two, Sajal Aly has since been replaced.
According to the teasers, nobody has yet been cast as Mohammed Ali Jinnah.
Samina Ahmed, Kubra Khan, and model Amna Ilyas are among the remaining cast members. The cast also includes Sarmad Khoosat as Mahatma Gandhi.
According to reports, the series would also include a song by Nazia Hassan and a stylized version of the national anthem. Additionally, Shehryar Khan’s original music will be included.