Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and Opposition Leader in the National Assembly Raja Riaz will conduct a second round of negotiations today to secure the crucial nomination of the caretaker prime minister, as the search for an agreement advances.
Shehbaz Raja second round talks: Both leaders plan to restart talks after an initial inconclusive meeting, aiming to choose an option that aligns with the constitution.
The crucial conversation between the two powerful individuals is at the center of the political discourse in Islamabad, and the halls of power are abuzz with anticipation.
The prime minister extended an invitation to the opposition leader for a discussion regarding the selection of the interim prime minister in accordance with the constitutional framework. According to the constitution, the two leaders have three days to reach a consensus on a nominee.
If the parties involved cannot reach a consensus, they will refer the issue to a parliamentary committee for resolution. The Pakistani Election Commission will have the power to decide in the event that the committee cannot agree on a course of action.
“No imported individual”
Raja Riaz, the leader of the opposition, provided a direct update to the media on how their talks were going. “I ask the premier to take into consideration the names propose by my side, and we concurred that further consultations will be pursue on the remaining six names,” Riaz said.
He emphasized the dedication to the democratic process and stated that they would not announce the final nominee beforehand.
Raja Riaz also highlighted a fundamental point, stating, “We will not appoint any ‘imported’ individual as the head of the interim set-up.”
Favourites include Saqiq Sanjrani
In contrast, Senate Chairman Sadiq Sanjrani has become a notable participant in the process of choosing the caretaker PM.
Refraining from offering additional particulars, he affirmed, “My three names are 90% finalized.”
The name of Sadiq Sanjrani has notably entered the arena for consideration in the convoluted discussions between the Prime Minister and the opposition leader.
Raja Riaz chooses three people.
In response to a different question, the opposition leader stated that the PML-N leader Nawaz Sharif has already selected the name for the interim prime minister, adding, “You can say whatever you wish, but I hold my own perspective.”
He continued by saying that he had decided on the name of the interim prime minister after consulting with his allies.
However, Refraining from offering additional particulars, he affirmed, “My three names are 90% finalized.”