Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor won the hearts of millions with a tender gesture when one of her loyal followers got down on one knee and proposed to her with a bouquet of red roses.
Shraddha receives proposal from fan: Recently, a fan greeted the Baaghi 3 actor with a bouquet of flowers as she arrived at the Mumbai airport. The video has become extremely popular on social media.
Following the video, one fan commented, “Respect button for Shraddha Kapoor.”
Another person remarked, “She is the sweetest.”
The comment that accompanied the video read, “With a heartwarming gesture, Shraddha gracefully accepted her fan’s red roses, expressing gratitude and respect.”
The person used the sentence “True humility shines in her actions, spreading love and warmth” along with heart emojis.
The actress is renowned for her approachable demeanour and for always having a smile on her face.